Information, guidance and resources for health professionals
- Optimal care pathway for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with cancer
- Optimal care pathway for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with cancer quick reference guide
- Guide to implementing the Optimal Care Pathway for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with cancer
- National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cancer Framework
- Cancer Australia resources for health professionals
- Culturally safe communication skills for non-Indigenous health professionals Tip Sheet
- Culturally safe communication skills for non-Indigenous health professionals Videos
- Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet
- National Indigenous Cancer Network
- Cancer information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people - Cancer Council NSW
- NWMR Koolin Balit toolkit: Section D – Developing Aboriginal community resources
- New South Wales Department of Community Services resource Working with Aboriginal people and communities – a practice resource
- Cancer Institute NSW resource Beginning the Journey – Introduction to radiation & chemotherapy treatment
- National best practice guidelines for collecting Indigenous status in health data sets AIHW
- Consumer’s Perspective of the Quality of Care Survey Protocol 2015 – Menzies
- Communicating effectively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people