Ways to help protect against cancer

There are fewer of our mob that smoke now than ever before. In the last 25 years, one in every five of our mob who smoked have stopped.
Giving up smoking or not smoking is one of the best things to do for our health, the health of our family and our mob, and to reduce risk of cancer. It means a cleaner, healthier place for our children, pregnant women, Elders and any mob with health problems.
Some of our mob quit on their own, and others quit with the support of a program, counsellor or quit buddy. Making a plan and having the support of your family and mob helps when you are trying to quit.
Why should I quit?
If you quit, you will:
- reduce your resting heart rate which is good for heart health
- have more oxygen and less carbon monoxide in your blood which is good for your health.
- have more money in your pocket, next week
- feel better, next month
- within a couple of years, have a lower risk of getting cancer
- feel more fit
- lower the risk of heart attack
- have more time, and a better time, with family, the rest of your life.
Where can I get help to quit?
Remember that you are not alone in your journey to give up smoking. You can seek expert advice and support from a number of places.
If you want some help, there are groups such as Tackling Indigenous Smoking and Deadly Choices Quit now. These have tools online and teams all around Australia to work with local communities. They are led and staffed by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. They can put you in touch with others who have quit smoking.
Quitline has Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander advisors and counsellors you can yarn with. Call 13 78 48. They can help you make a plan about how to quit and put you in touch with other mob in your area who are quitting.
Yarn with your doctor, nurse or Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander health worker about what will work best for you.
Quitline has Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander advisors and counsellors you can yarn with, to help you quit smoking. Call 13 78 48.

What else can I do?
Your mob might be able to support you to quit, so have a yarn with them and see if they will help you. They can help by trying to quit with you, or if they keep smoking, doing it away from you.
It might be hard to do, but it’s good to tell people around you that you don’t want them smoking near you, and near kids.
And be kind to yourself. Every time you try to quit smoking, you learn something about what you will need to do the next time you try and you get closer to achieving your goal. Don’t give up. Keep on going.
Life with and after cancer
Where can I get help and support?