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Treating cancer in our mob

Health services for our mob
Health, Country and Culture go hand-in-hand for our mob. It is important for us to keep a strong body, mind, and spirit and that’s why we prefer holistic health care delivered to us by mob.
When you feel sick, it is a help and comfort to have a doctor, nurse, or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health worker you can trust.
Read about health services for our mob below.
Read about Which health professional can I see?
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led services
Our mob run lots of services across Australia for our people.
There are over 140 Aboriginal Community-Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs), with more than 300 clinics.
ACCHOs are created by mob and are run by mob for mob. ACCHOs are members of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO).
ACCHOs are primary health care services that help our mob with health and wellbeing issues, work hard to keep people strong and healthy, do screening tests, and create treatment teams to meet our mob’s health needs.
They can be a one-stop-shop for our health and wellbeing. They are designed to be holistic, comprehensive, and culturally safe and offer flexibility to assist with family needs.
See links below to access an ACCHO near you or yarn with your Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health worker.
How to find health services by mob, for mob
Check if there is an ACCHO near you at the NACCHO website.
Have a look at this map of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and medical services.
Find a social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB) service for mob here. Either search by location and put in where you live. Or click on “show full list” and look through by state and territory.
You can also use Healthdirect’s service finder. Click on the “other services” button and click on “Aboriginal health services”. Put your location in and click search. Phone Healthdirect on 1800 022 222 any time, day or night, to talk to a nurse.
If you live in Western Australia, you can use MAPPA to find a health service.
Life with and after cancer
Where can I get help and support?