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Ways to help protect against cancer

Sun protection
It is important to know that anyone can get skin cancer. While skin cancer is more common in people with lighter skin, it’s a dangerous misconception that people with darker skin times aren’t at risk.
We are a diverse mob and our skin tones vary depending on our bloodlines, where we live and other environmental factors.
Skin cancers are caused by damage from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. UV rays can go deep into the skin and damage cells in your body, which then have a chance of turning cancerous. You can’t feel UV damaging your skin and it happens even when the sun doesn’t feel hot.
There are some important ways to help stop our mob getting skin cancer.
Be sun smart
The more sun we get, the more likely we are to get skin cancer. As the Cancer Council says, we can:
- slip on clothing
- slop on sunscreen
- slap on a hat
- seek shade
- slide on sunglasses.
Get our skin checked
We can check our skin as part of everyday life. You can have a look when you’re in front of a mirror and ask family to have a look at your back and parts of your body you can’t see.
See a doctor, nurse or Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander health worker for a skin check if you find:
- a new mole
- a mole that is getting bigger
- a mole that becomes rough or scaly
- a mole that starts to itch or tingle
- a mole that is bleeding or weeping
- a spot on your skin that changes colour
- a spot on your skin that becomes raised
- a spot on your skin that doesn’t look like other spots you might have.
Keep an eye out for any changes in your skin, and if you notice any get medical advice straight away.
Read more about being sun smart.
Check your skin
If you want to see how to check your skin yourself, the Cancer Council has a guide, click below.
Life with and after cancer
Where can I get help and support?